The Dockode Solutions provides many different services to our client by combining our creativity and the technology.

Mobile Application

Our team works with the native Android and iOS development as well as the major cross platforms such React native, Flutter, Xamarin etc.

Web Application

We always work with the latest technologies like AngularJS, ViewJs, and ReactJS for FE stacks, while Django, RoR, ExpressJS are used in the Backend.

Data Engineering

Now a days, Data engineering became the critical part of the business operation, Thus we made expertize in Hadoop, Spark, Kafka etc.

Data Science

Since data science came in high demand, We started to build solutions by using simple regressions to deeplearning approaches.

Since data science came in high demand, We started to build solutions by using simple regressions to deeplearning approaches.

Software Consultancy

Many organaizations have problems, but don't know how to resolve them. We are proposing the most suitable solutions with suitable technologies

Many organaizations have problems, but don't know how to resolve them. We are proposing the most suitable solutions with suitable technologies

Enterprise applications

Each enterprise requires bigger & customized softwares for their operations. We have the in house solutions such as well defined ERPs.

Each enterprise requires bigger & customized softwares for their operations. We have the in house solutions such as well defined ERPs.
Calicut - UL Cyberpark2nd Floor, UL Cyber Park,Calicut. 673 016+91 9605 828 828
Calicut - Kinfra2nd Floor, Kinfra,Advanced Technology Park,Calicut. 673 633+91 9188 366 900
EuropeGlasgow, Scotland,United Kingdom,+44 07587320408
SingaporeHolland villageSingapore,+65 86460367
MalaysiaKualalampurMalaysia,+60 12-695 1462
Dockode Solutions
Dockode is an effective software solution that lights up your dreams with emerging technologies. We are the product engineers building software products. Here we blend creativity, Perfection and technologies together to maximize your business success.
2nd Floor, UL Cyber Park, Calicut. 673016
+91 9605 828 828

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